Why is Minnesota changing its state flag?

enero 14, 2024

Why is the state of Minnesota getting a new flag?

The flag was approved by Minnesota's State Emblems Redesign Commission after an 11-1 vote.  The current state flag had faced controversy due to its depiction of a horse-mounted Native American moving away from a farmer with a plough and a rifle, which some argue alludes to the displacement of Native Americans in Minnesota.

Minnesota’s old flag, adopted in 1893, is built around the state’s seal on a dark-blue background. Surrounding the seal are 19 stars representing Minnesota as the 19th state to join the Union after the 13 original American colonies, and three dates: 1819 for the founding of Fort Snelling, 1858 for statehood and 1893 for the flag’s adoption. The flag has been tweaked multiple times since, with the most recent version adopted in 1957.

At 1-800 Flags, we love the new colors in the new Minnesota flag. We think it will be displayed beautifully. The new design was created by 24-year-old Minnesotan artist Andrew Prekker. Minnesota's state's motto is - "Star of the North," with the light blue symbolizing Minnesota's abundant waters.

New Minnesota state flag

The new Minnesota State Flag, an image provided by the Minnesota Historical Society.

What do you think of the new and improved flag? Join our newsletter, we will keep you up-to-date with flag changes and let you know once the new flag is available to order. 

Buy Minnesota flags now, before the old design is gone. You can shop the current Minnesota flag here in all sizes for indoor or outdoor use. 

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